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Sunday 7 September 2014


There are so many thoughts in my mind.
There are so many things about which I want to write. 
There are so many new words I want to learn. 
Rather than money, love and care from many is what I want to earn. 
There, here, and every where do I want to travel. 
I, am a teen.
I, just don't want to day dream. 
Goals aren't as easy as they seem. 
People often tell you that it's going to be hard. 
But you know things will get easier once you start. 
And just incase you are confused like me, 
Then let it be,
Time will tell you what is good for you. 
Don't let this confusion take over you.
Don't let these dark days define you.
Don't let the comments break you. 
Find out the reasons behind this confusion, 
Think through them and make a firm conclusion. 
Do whatever it takes,
Bear with strength these heartaches, 
Tear the pages where they wrote all your mistakes. 
Go ahead and start your race. 
With your hard work and determination your fantasy future you can create. 
Go ahead. And start today. 

Saturday 9 August 2014

She was a writer.

Writing was something she was really passionate about.
She'd write about anything and everything.
She never wrote lies and I can say that with no doubt. 
When she used to hold her pen to write down something, 
I'd just stare at her and thank lord for such a beautiful blessing. 

It's magical to fall in love with a writer. 
They'll never make you feel that in this battle of life you are one alone fighter. 
That's the thing about writers,
With their beautiful words they make each morning brighter. 

And I was very lucky indeed. 
She was ready to bleed words of love for me. 
I was ready to be there for her whenever in need. 
We both fulfilled each other's greed. 
We both promised that together a happy life we would lead. 

Oh but I was unaware about how every night when I was asleep,
She'd pray to Lord not call her to the heavens too soon. 
Oh but I was unaware about her disease for such a long time,
"Why didn't you tell me earlier?" I asked her , as she now laid On her death bed looking so pale and weak. 
But all she replied was, "hey! Don't cry ,please, I plead?" 

I held her hands, which now felt so cold, 
Then for the very last time " I love you " she told. 

Later that night, she was declared dead.

I believed them, until I went back home to find her letters waiting for me, 
As the days passed by,
She was still by my side. 
Crazy lady, 
She'd written a thousands of letters for me and funny how each of them ended with "smile you fool, enough with your tears, I am still here, I haven't died."

Thursday 15 May 2014

Little missing pieces.

The little missing pieces, 
Of me 
Are often, 
Found in you.

Into a dozen more,
A hundreds then,
Maybe a thousands too. 

Love for you, 
I expressed.
I am guilty as charged.
I see you.
I see you love.

I see you,
See you as a precious rare gem. 

You see me,
You deny my existence. 
To achieve your love, 
What is it that I have to be?
What is it that I have to do?

Tell me. 
And I will be. 
And I will do.

Friday 2 May 2014

Tell them.

A story, 
That her eyes had to tell.
An adventure, 
Where numerous time she fell. 

The changes,
That she went through.
To her dead family , 
Never did he get time to bid farewell. 
The tears she cried ,
when she realized,
That she had lost almost everything made her eyes swell. 

Oh all those noises, 
So much she hated them , 
Often like a madwoman she'd yell. 
What wrong had she done? 
Why did her life turn into a living hell.
Dreams and hopes, 
She forgot them all. 

To travel,
back in time , 
Is all that she ever wanted. 
She'd just hope, 
That everything would change with one magical spell. 

Tell them, 
This story, 
That her eyes had to tell.

Saturday 29 March 2014

Let us.

Let's run,
Let's have some kickass fun,
Let's go on drives and not return back home until the morning sun.

Let's leave,
Let's do something that impossible to believe, 
Let's not grieve. 

Let's walk on fire,
Let's dance in the rain,
Until our bodies tire.

Let's be free.
Let's be lost.
Let's be wild. 

Let's be us. 
For once. 
Let us. 

Friday 28 March 2014


A flight, 
A mystery,
Unresolved yet, 
The story that the military has to give doesn't seem so right.

If only the passengers on board knew, 
If only this flight never flew, 
If only all these tragic events we could undo.

The relatives, 
The friends, 
Still wait, 
For a miracle, 
A news that would make this loss a little bearable. 

8th march. 
The day of departure. 
A journey, 
Which took 239 people unexpectedly farther,
Than their decided destination. 
A few on their vacation, 
About a 20 on their convocation.
And others returning back to their beloved nation. 

A temporary good bye, 
A could be short lived absence of their loved ones, 
To a permanent mystery of a lost plane, which once flew in the beautiful blue sky. 

Prayers to all those Affected. 
Always remember , 
This very fact can never be neglected, 
THE ALMIGHTY has seen the seen, 
And HE for sure has also seen the unseen. 
HE knows all that has been, 
HE knows the end to all those un solved stories that often make you keen, 
So pray, 
That soon, 
The "how it happened",
Should be known. 
Before in tears the families and friends of the dear passengers drown. 

Tuesday 25 March 2014

And they never realized...

A beautiful girl in her late teens , 
Often during conversations she's lost in her day dreams. 

Her eyes, 
Sparkling gorgeous.
Her heart, 
Only good deeds did it posses. 

Every morning when she woke up, she'd pray, 
Never did she utter her troubles, 
Nor an informal word to anyone did she say.
Kind thoughts and good acts were the only ingredients of her extraordinary days. 

Nothing seemed wrong, 
Her life seemed like a happy song.

No matter what, she was always ready to compromise, 
And all these sacrifices?
She'd never advertise. 

Little did she know, 
That she was never going to be rewarded ?

Little did she know ? 
That people are professional actors in this worlds big fake show? 

Oh, I wish she knew, 
How she was being used, 

Oh, I wish she knew, 
That she was sacrificing for the wrong crew. 

Oh, I wish, 
I wish she didn't have to go through it, 
She never deserved this.
Her selfless efforts to make others happy, 
Her dreams, that were only about how to make others life a beautiful bliss. 
Merely resulted in pain and dark gloomy days that she couldn't resist. 

Wondered the world. 
Asked the world had she done so wrong that an unbearable pain she had to suffer? 

Never did they realize, 
That they were the ones who always criticized.

Never did they realize, 
That there harsh words were the sole reason behind why she cries.

Never did they realize, 
That the answers to their questions were within themselves , 
And it shouldn't have caught them by surprise. 

Never did they, 
Never will they, 
That because of them, 
A beautiful girl often dies.