A flight,
A mystery,
Unresolved yet,
The story that the military has to give doesn't seem so right.
If only the passengers on board knew,
If only this flight never flew,
If only all these tragic events we could undo.
The relatives,
The friends,
Still wait,
For a miracle,
A news that would make this loss a little bearable.
8th march.
The day of departure.
A journey,
Which took 239 people unexpectedly farther,
Than their decided destination.
A few on their vacation,
About a 20 on their convocation.
And others returning back to their beloved nation.
A temporary good bye,
A could be short lived absence of their loved ones,
To a permanent mystery of a lost plane, which once flew in the beautiful blue sky.
Prayers to all those Affected.
Always remember ,
This very fact can never be neglected,
THE ALMIGHTY has seen the seen,
And HE for sure has also seen the unseen.
HE knows all that has been,
HE knows the end to all those un solved stories that often make you keen,
So pray,
That soon,
The "how it happened",
Should be known.
Before in tears the families and friends of the dear passengers drown.
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